Digital and Traditional Art

Morgan Van Hook

My name is Morgan Van Hook, I am an artist looking to turn my hobby into a career.

Comissions: Open

Comission Rates:
$20 - 5x5 canvas
$25 - 6x6 canvas
$35 - 8x10 canvas
$40 - 10x10 canvas



Headshot drawings include a depiction of a character from the neck/collar upward.

Quarter Body


Quarter body drawings include a depiction of a character from the shoulders upward.

Half Body


Half body drawings include a depiction of a character from the waist upward.

Full Body

$40 (Could be more depending on detail)

Full body drawings include a depiction of the whole body of the character.


Starting at additional $5

Simple backgrounds added to character illustrations start at an addition of $5. This excludes simple patterns which I will do for free. Examples of a simple patterned background includes stripes, chevron, circles, etc. In the image featured above, I would have charged an additional $12 because it took me about 1 additional hour to complete. Background priced will be charged at my discretion.

Large Props

Price Addition Based on Prop Complexity

The easel in the image above counts as complex prop because it requires what is essentially a second drawing. I would charge $5 extra for this complex prop.

Complex Outfits

Price Addition Decided Over Discussion

A character with a complex outfit with excessive details will likely have a price increase. The character above (Kaeya, Genshin Impact) is a great example. Price alterations will be decided when the commission is first being discussed.


Starting Price of Single Character Illustration + 50% per character

Example Scenario: Two characters in a half-body illustration would be $45. $30 for single character plus 50% ($15)


Starting at $15

Animals are very diverse which is why I have written “starting at.” Final price will differ based on piece and will be decided on a case by case basis. I can draw realistic or stylized animals/

Art is a luxury.  Skill and experience are required in order to create high quality art. In the state where I live, the minimum wage is $12/hour (, 2023). I believe that my art is deserving of more than minimum wage, so I charge more.

For traditional art, the cost of canvas and paints add to the cost of a piece. In addition to the time it takes to complete working on the piece, the skill and years (in my case) of practice add to the price.

For digital art, pricing is a bit different. Prices for digital pieces are based solely on how long it takes me to complete a piece on average.